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On Monday 17th February, people at KANE donned their aprons, got their rolling pins out and came together for a company-wide bake sale!


It wasn’t just so we could all eat cake, though, there was reason behind our gluttony. As part of KANE’s charity pledge, we have been looking at different ways to raise money for our three elected charities. This month we were raising for Macmillan Cancer Support, who provide all of the resources you need to conduct a bake sale and coffee morning at work.

To cut a long story short, they went like hot cakes and we managed to raise a brilliant £209.22 for Macmillan Cancer Support. Well done everyone!






Macmillan are here to help everyone with cancer live life as fully as they can, providing physical, financial and emotional support.

We probably all know someone who has been affected by cancer in one way or another and Macmillan are a charity that offer brilliant support to anyone who has been affected. See how they help here:

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