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25 HCC members shared our 60 years of innovation, our vision and saw how lean practices removes waste, simplifies processes and doubles productivity.

SMEs like KANE are the backbone of the UK economy, employing over 60% of the UK’s available workforce, but university research suggests only 25% of SMEs want to expand, often due to lack of skills or resources but sometimes simply the fear of the unknown.

We showed how we agreed our objectives, mission & vision and set our values & plan, looking for clear blue water from our competitors to ensure we double our current activity by 2030.

After a brief presentation on lean practices, we asked 4 visitors to play our coffee cup game, assembling 20 cups with correct contents then seeing how simple steps halve the time without causing stress.

We then showed everyone how we use lean around our home - these types of days provide brilliant learning opportunities for everyone and we’re delighted to be a Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce member.

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