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You all probably know, at KANE, we design, engineer, manufacture and sell electronic testing equipment. But did you know that most of this happens in the UK? And that we have 107 staff here that work tirelessly at our two UK sites in Welwyn Garden City and Atherton, Manchester?

Each month we are going to show you a sneak peek behind the scenes and highlight our brilliant staff.

This month we are delighted to introduce Leire Ilardia. She joins us as a buyer at KANE House, Welwyn Garden City.


Leire is originally from the Basque Country and has worked all across Europe, including Madrid and Hamburg. She also has a Masters Degree in Industrial Engineering.

What made you join KANE?

I joined KANE because it is a manufacturing company with proprietary technology, and it is expanding. I also read good reviews in Trustpilot and found testimonials clearly showing that there was a great team behind the scenes.

What skills do you bring to the role?

I have over 10 years’ experience in Procurement and Supply Chain across several industry sectors and European countries.

What motivates you to work hard?

Being part of a great project and team.

What makes you laugh the most?

Remembering a funny situation from the past (Sometimes all of sudden a funny memory comes to me, and I start laughing which can be a bit of a surprise to others that see me suddenly laughing with apparently no reason)

What song would you sing at Karaoke?

Any ABBA song.

What really makes you angry?

Angry people.

When I’m not working you will usually find me…

Under the sun (if the weather helps) and if at all possible next to the sea/river or surrendered by nature.

My favourite crisps are…?

Salty ones and tortilla chips.

Not many people know that I…

I love live music concerts. The next one I have tickets for is Coldplay concert in August at the Wembley Arena.

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