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Help us raise awareness of the dangers of carbon monoxide this summer!

We are backing United Against CO’s Carbon Monoxide SAFE4SUMMER Campaign, to help raise awareness of the dangers of CO in the summertime.

The campaign will focus on awareness of the dangers of co, particularly around barbecues.


Visit the website to take part, download the free asset kit and raise awareness for the dangers of Carbon Monoxide:

The CO Safe4Summer Asset kit is a comprehensive zip file that contains everything you need throughout the summer. Including information about carbon monoxide barbecue safety, symptoms, most at risk, CO alarms, and more. Assets included are:

  • CO Safe4Summer Video Advert (plus YouTube Links and embed code)
  • The complete Guide To CO Alarms, plus a CO alarm one-page guide
  • Printable items - including The CO Safe4 Summer Safety Tips double-sided poster, an A5 Flyer and an A3 Poster
  • Fact Sheets - including most at risk, dangers out of the home, how to stay safe, and the symptoms of CO
  • CO Safe4Summer and United Against CO Logos
  • Images - including barbecues, alarms, at risk, symptoms
  • Social Media Posts - including barbecues, alarms, at risk and symptoms
  • Web and Social Banners
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