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Helping AIRSAFE measure CO in vehicles


KANE CEO, Jonathan Kane, recently met Airsafe’s Dr Sophie Duggan and postgraduate researcher David Wickham at Imperial College in London.

Dr Duggan believes a significant % of our population is being poisoned by low levels of CO and started Airsafe to test air quality in vehicles, following her experience being poisoned by her car’s faulty exhaust.

In 2018 Airsafe tested 26 random vehicles & found 9 with significant in-car CO levels. This year – in partnership with Southern Gas Networks & the Gas Safety Trust – KANE CO monitors are being used by Airsafe to test more vehicles. Again, some vehicles have recorded high levels of CO and the full report will be published later this year.

CO in vehicles is not uncommon, given several recalls by manufacturers correcting faulty exhaust systems. If Airsafe concludes this problem is greater than first realised, regulators must address CO poisoning in vehicles as well as in our homes and workplaces.

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