Call 0800 059 0800 or click here

Our KANE988 analyser does it all, backed by KANE CARE - Our award winning customer service promise or your money back.

  • Measure boiler efficiency & emissions for CO up to 100,000 ppm, O2, HC, CO2 and 4 toxic gases including NO, NO2 & SO2
  • Test heat pump flow & return temperatures with wirelessly connected KANE LINK pipe clamp probes
  • Measure A/C & refrigeration superheat & subcool with wireless KANE LINK pass through pressure probes
  • Test indoor air quality with wireless KANE LINK anemometers & CO monitors
  • No cables, manifolds, hoses & refrigerant gas leak risks - simply one smart analyser testing any system any time

Be smart, save money, time & weight and start measuring with the KANE988, backed by KANE LINK - our future proof promise - & KANE CARE, our award winning customer service promise or your money back.


Call - 0800 059 0800
Email - [email protected]

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