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You all probably know, at KANE, we design, engineer, produce and sell electronic testing equipment. But did you know that most of this happens in the UK? And that we have 112 staff here that work tirelessly at our two UK sites in Welwyn Garden City and Atherton?

Each month we are going to show you a sneak peek behind the scenes and highlight our brilliant staff.

This month we have caught up with Dan Wood. Dan is a 28-year-old Engineering Technician at KANE House in Welwyn Garden City.

Dan Wood

Dan has a brilliant background here and has worked in various roles in the three years he has been with us. He originally joined us in our production department, and has since worked in the store rooms, testing and in service before realising his potential in engineering. Dan is now studying for a BEng (Hons) Engineering – specialising in electronics.

1. What does your job role involve on a day-to-day basis?
It’s really varied and covers mechanical, electronic, and software design, mostly for internal test equipment. I also get to play with the 3D printer a lot – a definite highlight.

2. What do enjoy about working within Kane?
Everything! Seriously. I love my job and Kane has done a lot for me supporting me through my studies to achieve my career goals.

I came to Kane with no technical experience apart from hobbies and personal interest and Kane have given me the opportunity to expand on this in to something I really enjoy doing.

3. When I am not working you will usually find me…
In the woods on my mountain bike, or in the living room maintaining said mountain bike. The whole house smells of GT85 at the weekends, much to my partner’s dismay.

4. My favourite flavour of crisps are…
That’s a tough one. I can’t get enough of salty snacks. In all honesty anything spicy and you can’t beat Walkers Max Jalapeno and Cheese.

5. Not many people know that…
I went to elementary school in America for a while. Got the yellow school bus and everything!

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