IGEM released new guidance for domestic gas meter supply capacity & operating pressure.
This is free to download and covers changes to working practice to cover:
limits on nominal gas load for domestic premises in kW
appliance pre-commissioning, commissioning & post commissioning
when to report low pressure supply
how to test for low pressure on installation
managing response from Emergency Service providers
In summary:
Ensure all gas appliances operate at a high operating load before test
Test domestic gas meter outlet working pressure is between 18.5mbar & 23 mbar after 1 minute stabilisation
If outside these values, contact Gas Emergency Service and follow their “Reporting of Low Pressure” process
Help Emergency Service providers follow procedures, perform tests & create job reports - ESPs cannot set up or work on appliances
If appliances are unsafe, follow IGEM/G/11 Gas Industry Unsafe Situations procedure (GIUSP)
See the IGEM website for more.
KANE manometers & analysers measuring pressure also test domestic gas meter working pressures - For more information, call 0800 059 800 or visit www.kane.co.uk