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CoGDEM recently mailed out the following press release reminding people that flue gas analyser manufacturers are remaining open to calibrate and service FGAs to support vital services that keep us all safe.

It is crucial at this time that we all work together to keep everyone safe.

As COVID-19 situation develops, CoGDEM (Council of Gas Detection and Environmental Monitoring), is working closely with portable Flue Gas Analyser (FGA) manufacturers, suppliers and regulatory stakeholders.

CoGDEM understands GSR engineers can only use FGAs with valid annual calibration certificates and, at time of publication, these CoGDEM FGA companies continue to calibrate & service their FGAs.
Please use their contact details below to confirm which calibration & service centre you can use & how to return your FGA to them.

Please understand calibration and service times maybe longer than usual."

Company Website Phone Number Email
Anton 01923 274730 [email protected]
GES 01707 373 551 [email protected]
Kane 0800 0590800 [email protected]
TPI Europe 01293 530196 [email protected]
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